Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Sugar and Spice and Bawdy Ditties
Cute enough to make your teeth ache, right?

Even cuter now!

A little sugar-fix for all those mothers-of-boys out there!

For the posterity's sake, and to fully explain the title of this post, I have to record that throughout the taking of these photos the Sparkle Twin was singing a little ditty of her own devising that went something like this:
Tushie, tushie, bum, butt butt
Tushie, tushie, butt, butt,
Poo, poo, wee-wee-head,
Tushie, Tushie, butt, poo, butt...

And so on. She might be singing it still, were it not for the fact that the words made her giggle so much she nearly wet herself and eventually had to run to the toilet.

Yes. She's 4.

Oh! I nearly forgot to mention that the words to the song were accompanied by actions. It's nothing short of a miracle I managed to get two whole photos that don't include a Madonna style crotch-clutch.

Conversation this afternoon with the Sparkle Twin:

ST: My grandmama told me about the People Shop - you know the People Shop, mum?

Mum: What do you buy at the People Shop?

ST: Mu-u-um! All the mums and dads go there to buy they kids.

Mum: Really? Is that where I got you? - and it's 'their' kids...

ST: Uh-huh. That's where you got BOFE of us. And you goed to the Sister Shop to buy they big sisters.

Mum: You mean the Pea Princess? - and it's 'go' to the shop...

ST: Yep, she can't be in the same as they People Shop.

Mum: (intrigued and forgetting to correct grammar) Isn't your big sister a people too?

ST: No. She's a grump.

Mum: Fair enough.


Bec Posted by Picasa


Blogger Stomper Girl said...

Oh, that is delicious...the dress is gorgeous, the conversation fantastic and the song inspired. You'll be glad you've saved all that for posterity on your blog - which I've been lurking around for a while and have been greatly enjoying I must say. Just haven't had the nerve to play the RSM game. Yet.
PS. I fully see why she is called the Sparkle Twin, she has such sparkly eyes.

Blogger My float said...

She is too cute. What's funniest of all is that you forgot to correct her grammar. I am very much looking forward to those conversations. As opposed to having the child grab me in the post shop and say "Mummy's BOOOBS". To which the bemused post person raised an eyebrow and I ran a mile.

Blogger Bec said...

Hi Stomper Girl - I'm a chronic lurker myself so am delighted to see you de-lurk for my Sparkle Twin.

And yes, in as much as a blog can be for posterity, I am very happy to have kept some of these moments and fully intend to refer back to them as my children hit landmarks like 18th birthdays and weddings and the very important 'introduction of the in-laws'...

"Oh yes, Mrs Stodginess, we think your son is wonderful and he's just right for our little girl. Has she sung you her tushie-tushie-poo-bum song yet?"

(and it is, of course, for posterity, not THE posterity as I typed above. sheesh.)

Blogger nutmeg said...

Your posts, especially concerning the pea princess, lightens my "load" a little, everyday. I thought I was in the wilderness, all alone. But now I see other's lurking behind the fauna....I will await daughter #2's comments concerning her own pea princess sister, with baited breath.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

(My first and possibly last post)I think you should all know that I once had hair and children were other people's problems. The Sparkle Twin, Georgous Boy and Pea Princess light up my life every moment of every day. They provide me the laughter and pleasure that all parents should have from their children but their ditties, boyness and cleverness(two from my side the other definitely from their mother)are an enormous challenge but I love every minute of them and their mother

Anonymous Anonymous said...

(My first and possibly last post)I think you should all know that I once had hair and children were other people's problems. The Sparkle Twin, Georgous Boy and Pea Princess light up my life every moment of every day. They provide me the laughter and pleasure that all parents should have from their children but their ditties, boyness and cleverness(two from my side the other definitely from their mother)are an enormous challenge but I love every minute of them and their mother

Blogger LBA said...

Aww - a daddy comment.
I hit my DH up for them every now and again too.

Did you read my blog ?
Why didn't you comment ?

He also likes to tell people he used to have hair - laugh ? I never thought i'd stop ;)

Goodonyadad ;)

Blogger Bec said...

Yes, and even after walking him through the new streamlined process for leaving comments, he's managed to hit 'post' twice... Ironic given his opening statement!

(but endearing, all the same. and I'm pretty sure the hair thing relates to the pic in the post below... I wondered how long it would be before he found that one featuring the near-chrome-dome!!)

Blogger MsCellania said...

Thank you for a daily dose of girl. I Love little girl's clothing - I look and drool at clothing shops. Boys clothes are meh.
Daughters are so darling when they are little and so - ah - challenging, when they are teens.
But your little miss? She is gorgeous. And you'll NEVER have any attitude with her. No!
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!

Blogger Scribbit said...

Thanks for the day's chuckle. She's cute.

Blogger Caro said...

I love it. Potty humor is big around here also. It's not always just the kids though. :P

Blogger Slackermommy said...

Too funny! Gotta love potty talk!

Blogger Em said...

She's utterly gorgeous - even with her potty mouth!

Blogger Blue Moon Girl said...

Too much cuteness in one small package! The song and conversation about her big sister are quite funny! Although as a big sister and on behalf of all big sisters everywhere, I must protest a little bit.

Blogger Bec said...

Ditto BMG - I'm a big sister, but I'm a grump too so I have sympathy with both causes!!

Blogger meggie said...

Love that girl! Love that dress!

My BF's granddaughter spent a lovely day at the beach in her underpants, claiming to be Captain Underpants- no sissy names for her!

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